What's the difference between the glory of the king 50 and 5 1?

The biggest difference between Wang Zhe 5 1 and Wang Zhe 50 is that Wang Zhe 5 1 will be higher than Wang Zhe 50 at the end of the game, so Wang Zhe 5 1 can inherit the position of Yao Xing 4, and Wang Zhe 50 can only inherit the position of Yao Xing 5 when it inherits the position next season. Moreover, at present, the highest level of the segment inheritance table can exceed 50 stars, and there is no difference between 5 1 star, 52-star and 50-star, because the segments inherited by 50-9999 stars are the same next season. Unless the official changes the rules of segment inheritance in the new season, players will rush to 50 stars at the end of the season, just for higher segment inheritance.