What are the active aircraft carriers in the United States?

The home port of Kitty Hawk 12 (CV 63) is Yokosuga.

(CVN 65) The home port of Enterprise is Norfolk Military Port, Virginia, USA.

(CV67) Kennedy's home port is located in Mayport, Florida (used as a training aircraft carrier when not performing tasks).

(CVN 68) Nimitz's home port is Norfolk Military Port in Virginia, USA.

(CVN 69) Eisenhower's home port is Norfolk Military Port in Virginia, USA.

(CVN 70) Carl Vinson's home port is Bremerton, Washington, USA.

(CVN 7 1) Roosevelt's home port is Norfolk Military Port in Virginia, USA.

(CVN 72) Aircraft carrier Lincoln, Everett, Washington.

(CVN 73) The home port of Washington is Norfolk Military Port in Virginia, USA.

(CVN 74) Stannis's home port is based in San Diego, California.

(CVN 75) Truman's home port is Norfolk Military Port in Virginia, USA.

(CVN 76) Reagan's home port is at the San Diego base in California. This article is reproduced from Life Encyclopedia:/payment/168/1546172.