Secondly, in order to make the virtual object of 12 equal special, astrologers give the 12 constellation special significance to avoid the status being diluted by the mass production of real things. Whether it's 12 constellation, 13 constellation or 88 constellation, it's not impossible as long as you embed that special meaning in it and make it different and reach a position equivalent to the existing one. Finally, I'm afraid most people don't have the ability to build a new constellation to compare with the 12 constellation built by countless sages for thousands of years, so as to update this astrological system. So Ophiuchus is a real object, but there is no "soul of astrology" living in it.
Instead of getting to the bottom of it, it is better to pay attention to the sun, the moon (that is, the substitution of yin and yang) and the five stars (that is, the substitution of five elements). Real astrology is about the coordinates and interaction of the intersection of the sun, the moon, the five stars, the three kings and the orbits in the sky when you were born or now. Constellations are just coordinates, not subjects.