Capricorn is a traditional constellation. They think that career is what men want to do. And Capricorn boys are generally smart. They know what they should and should not do next, and they also know what they should do next. Capricorn people know exactly what they want, so in love, Capricorn doesn't want his girlfriend to take care of himself too much, because Capricorn wants to do it with peace of mind.
Capricorn boys are always a little male chauvinist. In Capricorn's mind, they think that as long as they manage themselves, others are not qualified to manage themselves. For Capricorn, they just need to do their own business. As for their girlfriends, believe in yourself and stay at home safely.
Capricorn hates his girlfriend for being too restrictive. For Capricorn, he is often the kind of person who will arrange his girlfriend's work and life very well. Just be a Capricorn's girlfriend and enjoy Capricorn's concern in peace.