Let's first analyze how right this sentence is. In fact, this sentence is basically correct, because the stars in most constellations are indeed stars, and it can even be said that some constellations are stars. However, in some constellations, there will be some nebulae and clusters. When people don't have astronomical telescopes, they will be mistaken for stars and divided into constellations. Like gas accumulation, tarantula nebula and so on. Some of them were wrongly recorded and even became the main connection of constellations.
In addition, "in the constellation", how to calculate the constellation? Broadly speaking, there are countless stars in the sky where each constellation is located, but there are only visible and invisible points. Some of them are not connected with the main body. For example, Lyra has five main stars, namely Weaver Girl 1, Weaver Girl 3, Graduation Stage 1, Graduation Stage 2 and Graduation Stage 3. And in its sky area, that is, this constellation, there are many stars such as Weaver Girl 2, Fading Platform 4 and Fading Platform 5. In Ursa Major, the six stars of the Big Dipper Kaiyang is the main connecting star of Ursa Major, but next to it, also in Ursa Major, there is a Kaiyang Zengyi (auxiliary star), but it is not the main connecting star. From this point of view, there may be stars that you can see, planets, comets, nebulae, satellites, etc. that you can't see, and countless celestial bodies in each constellation. So if so, the constellation is not a star.
But on earth, the main connecting lines of constellations are basically stars. Constellation is not a combination of stars, but an abstract incarnation of a certain sky area (in a broad sense) or stars (in a narrow sense). The combination of stars refers to star systems such as star clusters, and sometimes refers to the ancient star official system in China.
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