The constellation of chimpanzees.

The Pleiades cluster is a star in the Pleiades cluster of Taurus, which is an open cluster, about 440 light years away from the Earth.

Pleiades V is a blue and white B-shaped Supergiant star with an average apparent magnitude of +4. 14. Richard Sinclair Allen described the star as bright purple and white [1]. Its brightness is 630 times that of the sun, its surface temperature is 14000k, its mass is about 4.5 solar masses, and its radius is more than 4 times that of the sun. He is a variable star, classified as Cepheus beta variable star, and the luminosity change is only 0.0 1. Surrounding the Pleiades is the Maya nebula, which is part of the nebula that currently passes through the Pleiades cluster. Around the Pleiades is the brightest area of this nebula, and the serial number in the IC catalog is IC 349. In the famous Pleiades cluster, starlight is slowly destroying these wandering gas and dust clouds. In this image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, the Pleiades is at the upper left. In the past 100000 years, some clouds occasionally moved very close to this star, only 3500 times the distance between the earth and the sun. At such a close distance, starlight itself has a very significant role. The pressure of starlight effectively dispels the dust reflected by the nebula, and the smaller the dust, the stronger the effect. As a result of this action, the dust cloud became a layered structure, forming a sharp corner pointing to the Pleiades. The western star of the Pleiades cluster is called Taurus η, which is the brightest star in the Pleiades cluster, about 440 light years away from the earth. The Pleiades is a multi-star system, in which Taurus η A is a blue-and-white B-type giant with an absolute magnitude of +2.85, and it is also an eclipsing binary star.