Grade 8 minor injury
1 level
A dark sky. Zodiacal light, the ecliptic, the sun can be seen. Zodiacal light is eye-catching, and the ecliptic extends to the whole sky. Even with the naked eye, M33 is an extremely clear celestial body. The galactic regions of Scorpio and Sagittarius can cast faint shadows on the ground. The naked eye limit magnitude can reach 7.6 to 8.0. Jupiter or Venus in the sky will even affect the naked eye's adaptation to darkness. Gas glow (natural glow that usually appears on the horizon of 15) is also stable and visible. A star as dark as 17.5 can be seen with a 32 cm telescope, and 19 can be seen with a 50 cm telescope at a medium magnification. If you observe on the grass surrounded by trees, you can hardly see your binoculars, your companions and your car. This is an observer's paradise.
Typical really dark observation site. The gas glow is faintly visible along the horizon. M33 is easy to see. In summer, the Milky Way is rich in details. In ordinary binoculars, the brightest part looks like marble with lines. Zodiacal light is still bright before dawn or after dusk, so it can cast a faint shadow. Compared with the blue and white Milky Way, it is obviously yellowish. Any cloud that appears in the sky is like a hole in the starry sky. Unless you are under the stars, you can only see your telescope and things around you vaguely. Many globular clusters in the messier objects are directly visible to the naked eye. The limit magnitude of naked eye can reach 7. 1 to 7.5, and the limit magnitude of 32 cm telescope can reach 16 to 17.
third stage
The starry sky in the country. There are some signs of light pollution on the horizon. The clouds on the horizon are slightly illuminated, but they are dark overhead. The structure of the Milky Way is still rich, and globular clusters such as M4, M5, M 15 and M22 are still obvious targets to the naked eye. M33 is also very nice. Zodiacal light is obvious in spring and autumn, but the color is difficult to distinguish. The telescope 6 to 9 meters away from you has become blurred. The naked eye limit magnitude can reach 6.6 to 7.0, and the 32cm reflecting telescope limit magnitude can reach 16.
Fully Good
Rural/suburban transition. Visible light pollution in the direction of population gathering area. Zodiacal light is very clear, but the scope of extension is very small. The Milky Way is still impressive, but it lacks most details. M33 is hard to see, and only when the horizon is greater than 50 can it be barely seen. Clouds glow slightly in the direction of light pollution, and the top of the head is still dark. You can recognize your telescope from a distance. The limit magnitude of naked eye can reach 6.5, and the medium magnification of 32cm telescope can reach 15.5.
Level 5
In the suburban sky, you can only see zodiacal light on the best nights in spring and autumn. The Milky Way galaxy is very weak in the horizontal direction and cannot be seen. The light source is obvious in most directions. In most skies, clouds are brighter than the sky background. The naked eye limit magnitude is 5.5 to 6.0, 32cm reflecting telescope 14.5 to 15.
Level 6
Bright suburban sky. Even on the best night, I can't see zodiacal light. You can only see the Milky Way in the zenith direction. The range below the horizon of 35 in the sky emits gray light. Clouds in the sky are brighter everywhere. You can easily see the eyepiece on the table and the telescope on the side. M33 can't be seen without binoculars, and M3 1 is only a clear target for the naked eye. The naked eye limit magnitude is 5.5, etc. This 32 cm telescope can see stars in the dark area from 14.0 to 14.5 at medium magnification.
Level 7
Suburban/urban transition. The whole sky is a blur of gray and white. The strong light source is clear in all directions. The milky way is completely invisible. M44 or M3 1 is almost invisible to the naked eye and not obvious. Clouds are brighter. Even with a medium-sized telescope, the brightest messier objects still looks pale. After the real attempt, the naked eye limit magnitude is 4.5~5.0, and the 32cm reflective telescope can barely reach 14.0.
City sky. The sky glows white, gray or orange, so you can read the newspaper without any difficulty. M3 1 and M44 can only be seen by experienced observers at the best night. Medium-sized telescopes can only find the brightest messier objects. Some familiar constellations have been unrecognizable or completely disappeared. In the best case, the limit magnitude of naked eye is 4.0~4.5, and the limit magnitude of 32cm reflective telescope is 13.
The sky in the city center. The whole sky is illuminated, even in the zenith direction. Many familiar constellations are out of sight, and dim constellations such as Cancer and Gemini are out of sight at all. Maybe you can't see anything more chaotic except the Pleiades. Only the moon, planets and some bright clusters of stars can bring some fun to the stargazers (if they can be observed). The naked eye limit magnitude is 3.0~4.0 or less.