Jiang Defu once said that An Jie ate a steamed bread and tore the skin, but in the end he himself became a man who ate the steamed bread and tore the skin. I have to say that Jiang Defu may not have a handsome appearance, and he can't say many sweet words, but he proved by his actions that he is really good to Anjie.
At that time, the capitalist's daughter was looked down upon by many people, knowing that marrying her might bring trouble to her political career, but Jiang Defu married without hesitation. And even if it really affected him later, he never complained. It can be said that the road between him and Anjie, he took a bumpy road and left the flat road to Anjie.
At first, I felt that Jiang Defu paid a lot between them, but later I found that Anjie also paid a lot. Looking at them reminds me of my grandfather and grandmother. When I was a child, I felt that my grandmother always talked about my grandfather and never heard her praise him, but he never complained. Later, when I grew up, I watched my grandfather not be at home for a while, and my grandmother went to see him. I found that some people get along like this. Because they love each other, they are willing to tolerate and accommodate. Because they know that they are loved, and they have enough security for this love, they will have nothing to hide.
I think the best thing about Jiang Defu is that he never asks Angie to change. Although he has some habits of spitting Angie, he never thought of turning Angie into a virtuous and docile wife, so that Angie could keep her temper and like when she was young. I never want to change you, because I love you the way you are, and many people can't.
When I saw Angie's illness and hospitalization, I was moved to tears. Many people dream of this kind of love, but few people get it. Meet someone, fall in love with someone, and it will be a lifetime from now on.