Susceptible population of sedimentary gallstones

1, the majority of female patients with gallstones are women. The reason is that the high estrogen level in women will affect the formation of liver bilirubin glucuronide and increase unbound bilirubin; Estrogen can also affect gallbladder emptying, causing cholestasis and easy to form stones. The incidence of gallstones in postmenopausal women who use estrogen is increasing.

2. The incidence of gallstones in patients with liver cirrhosis is significantly higher than that in normal people, which is related to many factors, such as decreased estrogen inactivation function, high estrogen level, chronic hemolysis, low gallbladder contraction function, poor gallbladder emptying, varicose veins and increased bilirubin in blood.

3. The incidence of gallstones is five times higher in overweight and obese people whose weight exceeds the normal standard 15%. Most obese people eat too much fat and cholesterol, and most obese people are less active and prone to gallstones.

4. People who eat too much meat, are too sweet, and don't eat breakfast have too much fat and cholesterol intake, which is easy to form cholesterol stones; Excessive sweets promote insulin secretion and accelerate cholesterol deposition; Often skipping breakfast will reduce the content of cholic acid, make bile concentrated, which is beneficial to the formation of stones.

5, there are roundworms in the body. Ascaris patients do not pay attention to food hygiene. Ascaris infection will become the core of stones and produce stones after it returns to biliary tract to lay eggs or dies.

6. Genetic patients with family history In addition, genetic factors affect the occurrence of gallstones. Therefore, immediate family members, such as parents, siblings or children with gallstones, are also at high risk.