In which constellation is messier objects m3 1 located?

Messier objects m3 1 is located in Andromeda.

Andromeda is located north of the celestial equator, below Ursa Major and near Pegasus. Andromeda is the easiest to watch in the autumn night in the northern hemisphere, and there are also constellations symbolizing other gods in Perseus mythology. Andromeda, because of its northern declination, can only be seen in the area north of the 40-degree south latitude line, and the area south of 40-degree south latitude will be below the horizon.


The total magnitude of the large nebula is 4, and the average brightness per unit area is 6. On a clear moonless night, it is faintly visible to the naked eye, like a small white cloud. Its soft silvery white oval shape can be seen through a small astronomical telescope.

Andromeda nebula is a typical spiral galaxy, but because it faces us sideways, it is not easy to see its spiral arms. Through a larger telescope, we can see some of its structures, for example, its core is particularly bright, and the brighter it gets toward the center, we can also see some spiral arms, black dust lines, globular clusters and star clouds.

Baidu encyclopedia-Andromeda strain