In A.D. 1543, Copernicus, a Polish astronomer, challenged the traditional geocentric theory in his book "On the Movement of Celestial Bodies", arguing that the earth is a constantly rotating ordinary planet, the sun is the center of the universe, and all other celestial bodies revolve around the sun.
Later, Kepler and Galileo put forward the Heliocentrism, which made man move his position away from the center for the first time.
Then Newton and his law of universal gravitation appeared. Under the control of this law, people once thought that the universe was infinite and every point was the center of the universe. Because for every point, all directions are equal and there is no difference. But later, due to various refutations, the infinite static universe model was broken.
After entering the 20th century, two young American scientists accidentally discovered the cosmic background radiation. With the widespread use of radio telescopes instead of optical telescopes in the past, BIGBANG's theoretical hypothesis was established. It is found that the solar system is just a small point in the vast galaxy, a small galaxy called Ursa Major. The sun is not the center of the universe, and even the Milky Way is not the center. There are more galaxies than the Milky Way. But this view can't explain all the phenomena, and whether the universe has a center remains to be proved.