The meaning of the first star in Orion
Betelgeuse is easy to see in the night sky from June to March in 5438. It is the most famous red superstar. This is partly because Betelgeuse is about 640 light-years away from Earth and very close to other stars on the list. It is also part of Orion, one of the most famous constellations. It is known that its radius is more than 1000 times that of the sun. The radius of this massive star is between 950 and 1200. The radius of the sun (astronomers use unit distance to indicate that the size of the star is equal to the radius of the sun now) is expected to become a supernova at any time.
Canis major Vi
This red giant is one of the largest stars in all galaxies. Its radius is estimated to be 1800 to 2 100 times that of the sun. At this size, if placed in our solar system, it will be close to Saturn's orbit. VY Canis major is located in the direction of Canis major, about 3900 light years away from the earth. It is one of many variable stars that appear in Canis major.
Cepheus a
The red Supergiant star is estimated to be about 1000 times the radius of the sun, and is currently considered as one of the largest stars in the Milky Way. Cepheus VV is located in the direction of Cepheus, about 6000 light years away from the earth. It is actually part of a binary star system, shared with another smaller blue star. The "A" in the star name is designated as the larger star of the pair. Although they surround each other in a complex dance form, the planet VV A in Cepheus has not yet been discovered.
Xianwang constellation
The red giant Cepheus is about 1650 times the radius of our sun. It is 38,000 times brighter than the sun and is one of the brightest stars in the Milky Way. Because of its reddish color, people nicknamed it "Herschel's Garnet Star" to commemorate Sir William Herschel who observed it in 1783, and his Arabic name Erakis was also known.
Unicorn V838
This red variable star is located in the direction of the unicorn, about 20 thousand light years away from the earth. It may be larger than Cepheus or VV Cepheus A, but it is difficult to determine its actual size because of its distance from the sun and its size jump. After the last outbreak in 2009, its scale seems to be smaller. So it is usually within the solar radius of 380 ~ 1970. Hubble Space Telescope recorded several times, and the dust was removed from V838.
This red giant star is located in the constellation Swordfish (in the southern hemisphere sky), which is about 1540 times the radius of the sun. It is actually located in large magellanic cloud outside the Milky Way, a companion galaxy about 65.438+0.7 billion light years away.
There is a thick disk of gas and dust around WOH G64, which may have been expelled when the star began to die. This star was once more than 25 times the mass of the sun, but when it was about to explode into a supernova, it began to lose mass. Astronomers estimate that it has lost enough components to form three to nine solar systems.
V354 Cephei
Slightly smaller than WOH G64, this red giant has a solar radius of 1520. Cepheus V354 is about 9000 light years away from the earth and is located in Cepheus. WOH G64 is an irregular variable, that is to say, its pulse is irregular. Astronomers carefully studied this star and confirmed that it is part of the Cepheus OB 1 cluster, which contains many hot massive stars, but there are also some cold giants, such as this one.
RW Cephei
This is another entrance to Cepheus in the northern hemisphere sky. This star may not look so big in its own neighborhood, but there are not many other stars in or near our galaxy. The radius of this red giant is about 1600 solar radius. If it is located in the center of our solar system, rather than the sun, its outer atmosphere will extend beyond Jupiter's orbit.
KY Cygni
Although KY Cygni is at least 1420 times the radius of the sun, some estimates think it is closer to 2850 times the radius of the sun (although it may be closer to a smaller estimate). KY Cygnus is located in Cygnus, about 5000 light years away from the earth. Unfortunately, there is no image of this star yet.
KW arrow
This red giant represents Sagittarius, and its radius is 1460 times that of the sun. Sagittarius is about 7800 light years away from the earth. If it is the main star of our solar system, it will be far beyond the orbit of Mars. Astronomers have measured that the temperature of Sagittarius is about 3700 K (Kelvin, the basic unit of temperature in the international system of units, the unit symbol is K), which is much colder than the 5778 K on the surface of the sun.