1. Capricorn Capricorn, as an infatuated person, always loves someone, but they are not good at expressing their feelings. When they are awake, they also lack such courage, restraint and fear of rejection. It's a little difficult for you to express your thoughts to the person you like without reservation, but after you get drunk, you become different, and you can say what you want to say at will through drunkenness.
Leo has to say that Leo is also a very sensitive person. After being drunk, you will feel inexplicable sadness, and your mentality is very easy to break out at once and get out of control. It's hard for you to get drunk. But who will you call when you are drunk? Nature is a person who can't forget in my heart, most likely my predecessor. Don't doubt. What you said when you were drunk was quite true, and it was all things that you were afraid to say.
3. Cancer Cancer calls people when they are drunk. It's not something you can't forget. This is just a drunken madness. When you are drunk, you become more and more disillusioned. You can get drunk with anyone you run over. Therefore, when you receive your drunken mobile phone, you don't have to think too much, and you don't have to deceive yourself and misunderstand how important it is in your heart. Usually wake up the next day, open the communication records, and you will see n dialing records.
4. Gemini Gemini is a crazy person, so after drinking, it will become even crazier. My favorite thing is to call others casually, not because I have anything important to say, nor because I am so important. They just want to play a prank, and often they are unconscious at this time. Woke up in the morning will be scared by their phone records!