Oval bouquet
Oval bouquet is a traditional and very common bouquet type. Because of its unique shape and strong versatility, it has become the favorite type of most brides. No matter what kind of wedding dress the bride wears, she can show her most beautiful side against the oval flowers!
Small round bouquet
For most people, Xiao Yuan holding flowers is not so familiar, and even many people have the misunderstanding that it is only popular abroad. In fact, Xiao Yuan's bouquet plays a very good "finishing touch" role in many unique wedding dresses, such as fishtail, and it is small in size, so it is not easy to usurp the host's role. It can be said that it is the most "low-key" bouquet at a wedding. If you are a bride who wants to set off her gorgeous dress, you might as well choose this type of bouquet!
Spherical bouquet
For many people, the shape of a spherical bouquet may not be very pleasing, but it is precisely because of its lovely and special shape that it is often made into bright colors, which will make the bride holding flowers more lovely. If you are wearing a pure white wedding dress, spherical bouquets can also make you have a noble temperament, which is beyond the reach of many bouquets.
Waterfall bouquet
When it comes to waterfall bouquets, everyone's first impression is generally "gorgeous". Yes, although the waterfall bouquet is complicated to make, the effect can be said to be "amazing". Generally speaking, the waterfall bouquet will make the bride look more noble and elegant because of its unique drooping feeling. But it should also be noted here that only if you are tall enough, it is more suitable to choose a waterfall-shaped bouquet!
These are the types of hands recommended by Bian Xiao and the common sense of choosing them. After reading these beautiful pictures, we can easily find that no matter what kind of feel, it is romantic and exquisite. When we actually choose, we only need to choose according to our body shape and clothing characteristics.
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