The calculation of annual leave converted salary is to pay annual leave salary according to 300% of employees' daily salary income. If the unit really cannot arrange annual leave for its employees due to work needs, it may not arrange annual leave for employees with the consent of the employees themselves. The daily wage income for calculating annual leave salary shall be converted according to the employee's monthly salary divided by the paid days per month. The monthly salary refers to the average monthly salary 12 months before the employer pays the annual leave salary to the employees. If the working time in this employer is less than 12 months, the average monthly salary shall be calculated according to the actual month. During the annual leave, employees enjoy the same salary as during normal work.
Measures for the implementation of paid annual leave for enterprise employees
Article 10? If the employer arranges annual leave without the consent of the employee or the number of days of leave arranged for the employee is less than the number of days of annual leave, it shall pay the employee 300% of the daily wage for the days of annual leave, including the wages paid by the employer to the employee during the normal working period.
The employer arranges employees to take annual leave, but if the employees put forward annual leave in writing for their own reasons, the employer can only pay their wages for normal working hours.