Lottery No.5: 8 keys are required; Sixth lucky draw: need 13 keys.
Seventh lucky draw: 2 1 key; Eighth lucky draw: 34 keys; Ninth lucky draw: 55 keys; Sixth lucky draw: 89 keys; Sixth lucky draw: 1 1 key.
Need lottery ticket 12: 233 key. If you try to draw a lottery for green diamonds or blood diamonds on the black market, you will get a gift certificate. The gift certificate of 1200 can be exchanged for a five-star weapon box. When the box is opened, you will get a five-star weapon at random, but it is not necessarily a magic sword. If you want to get a magic sword soon, you must pay a blood diamond or a green diamond lottery ticket. Just open more boxes. Veterans returning gifts for the second anniversary of FireWire Elite Activities can be obtained by logging in. Have a good game.