At the beginning of a sentence, it is always capitalized.
Ex.: Circulation is an intermediate link. The traffic was interrupted.
Rule number two:
First name, first name and alias should be capitalized.
EX: Madam Ex: Miss Zhang Nicolas Sarkozy Minister Nicolas Sarkozy
Rule three:
Capitalized proper nouns.
1. refers to people, place names, countries, place names and names.
Mayor Mary Brussels, Belgium, East Asia, a Canadian, a Canadian, Jean Le Bon Goode John.
2. Representing religions, gods and mythical figures
Example: Junon Juno Venus God
3. Constellation, planet, planet
Sun, Moon, Earth
(The above is not written in everyday language) Travailler la Trell Tills The Land Claire de Lune Moonlight One Place au Soleil faces the sun.
4. Azimuth base point
Example: south Africa, southern Africa, southern France
Eastern France, eastern France.
5. Administrative organs, school institutions and historical events
For example: the Ministry of National Defense, teachers colleges, the Ministry of National Defense, the French Revolution? What about France? Easter
6. Buildings, ships and aircraft
For example: Arc de Triomphe Concorde Hotel.
Rule four:
Capitalize the noun before the definite article and the adjective before the first noun.
I remind:
In English, seven days a week is capitalized, but in most cases, French is not used.
Twelve months of English should be capitalized, and French is generally not used.
The personal pronoun "I" in English should be capitalized, and the personal pronoun "je" in French should be capitalized only at the beginning of a sentence.
French nouns referring to various languages will not be written.
Adjectives that modify language in French do not need to be capitalized.
To emphasize, the words in the title are sometimes capitalized in French, such as Les Grandes Vacances Finies and La Rentré.
Start the game.
Sometimes the surnames on French business cards are capitalized.
The characters in foreign cartoons published in French are usually capitalized, which will be strange at first sight.
The progress of Mar grella has surprisingly reduced the French PIB by 0.3%. Three months later, christine lagarde regained his caution. The positive effects of the first stage include measures to strengthen management and measures for enterprises to revitalize the economy. Did she receive the bank check for 24 ao? Can you guarantee that we will continue to live? This is the most important thing.
Although France's GDP increased by 0.3% in the second quarter, Lagarde still held a wait-and-see attitude. After the recession stopped for the first time, she is planning to take measures to help the most difficult enterprises rebuild to save the economy. She will be on August 24th. The bankers interviewed have determined their functions in the loan.
Everything I do for you is concrete and visible, and it is a reward for your efforts. There are six people, none of whom is from Paris. But we want to have a rest in the suite. Let's drink to autumn. This is great. Don't worry about it. I was in trouble on a trip in Madd. Now, let's go at once, at once! 》
After I learned the news through the National Bureau of Statistics on Thursday, I was glad that they knew exactly what we had done. Six weeks ago, there was no guarantee in the room. However, it keeps us vigilant. After that, we remained vigilant. Earlier than we expected, I estimate that the economic crisis will come out in the middle of 20 10. Now, it's better than before, how nice! Lagarde said.
Capital letters and nouns in French? Advance information
There is a big difference in the case of titles and names in French and English. In English, the first word in the title and all subsequent "important" words (all words except articles, conjunctions and prepositions) are capitalized. The rules of French are more complicated-in fact, so complicated that I can't find a clear system. I found that the following three schools of thought have been supported to varying degrees.
I. Standard capitalization
Here, the case depends on the position and importance of the word in the title.
A. The first word is always capitalized.
B if the first word is an article or other determiner, the first noun and any adjectives before it should be capitalized.
This is a simple story.
Robert Jr. New Robert Jr.
The progress of civilization in the 20th century
C if a title consists of two words or phrases of equal value, they are regarded as "common titles" and capitalized according to the above rules.
War and Peace, a new work by Julie Euler. How do you do? selenium
This is the system that I learned in college and has been used to this day. It is also used for Robert Jr., Quid, and the whole Dictionnaire de citations fran? Yes
Le Bon usage briefly discusses the inconsistency of title capitalization. It does not mention system I (as above), but lists two other systems:
Two. Capitalization of important nouns
In this system, the first word and any "important" nouns are capitalized.
This is a simple story.
Robert Jr. New Robert Jr.
The progress of civilization in the 20th century
Le Bon usage statement system II is more common than III, and it is used in its own bibliography.
Three. Sentence capitalization
In this system, only the first word of the title is capitalized.
This is a simple story.
Robert Jr. New Robert Jr.
The progress of civilization in the 20th century
Many websites use this system and record it in MLA manual or? Standardization organization? . I can't find any official online documents from these sources.
On the spine of dozens of French novels I own (most of which are published in folio), the distribution of capitalization systems II and III is quite uniform.
Summary: Since even Le Petit Robert (French Dictionary) and Le Bon Usage (French Grammar Bible) can't seem to agree on how to capitalize titles, it is obvious that there is either no standard system or the standard is not widely known. Personally, I will stick to what I learned in college.
If you have any other information or links to official documents, please post them on the forum so that I can add them to this lesson.
Note: Of course, proper nouns are not affected by these capitalization systems; They always follow their rules, as I explained in the "General Capitalization" class.
Four. Capitalization of surname
French surnames are usually capitalized, especially in bibliographies and administrative documents.
Gustav Flaubert Kamara Ley
Jean Delafontaine
Antoine de Saint-Exupe? railway