What is the name and color of the main star of constellation 88?
It is impossible to answer all the questions. Many constellations are not well known, and I don't have time to check them one by one. Here are a few important things that are certain (for example, Ursa Major has no main star, and the Big Dipper is almost bright).
Ursa major-Polaris is white.
Leo-Xuanyuan Fourteen White
Virgo-a white corner.
Shepherd-Bighorn Orange
Ophiuchus-a white star.
Scorpio-Antares Red
Eagle-Altair (Heguji) White
Lyra-Vega White
Bojiangzuo-Water Resources Commission I * *
Auriga-Capella * *
Taurus Wu orange
Orion-Betelgeuse red or Betelgeuse blue
Canis Canis-Sirius White
Dog Small-Nanhe San * *
Gemini-North River and Three Whites.
This is the situation of the main constellations.