2. The knitting method of the second layer is: lock 2 stitches per pinhole, totaling 16 stitches, and complete a circle. In the third layer, the knitting method is that the first pinhole locks 2 stitches, the second pinhole locks 1 stitch, and the circulation method completes one lap, totaling 2 1 stitch. In the fourth layer, the knitting method is that the first pinhole locks 2 stitches, the second to fifth pinhole locks 1 stitch, and the cycle method completes one lap, locking a total of 24 stitches. The knitting method of the fifth layer is: the first pinhole lock has 2 stitches, and the second to fifth pinhole locks 1 stitch. The circulation method completed one lap, and 28 stitches were locked.
3. The knitting method of the sixth layer is to lock one needle hole in the first needle hole and the second needle hole, and lock one needle in the second needle hole and the fourth needle hole respectively, and complete one circle by circulating method, so that the total number of locked needles is 2 1. The knitting method of the seventh layer is that the first pinhole and the second pinhole are locked to harvest a pinhole, the second to fourth pinholes are locked with one stitch respectively, and a loop is completed by the circulation method, so that the total number of stitches is 14. Then put in the filling cotton. In the eighth layer, the knitting method is to lock one needle hole in the first needle hole and the second needle hole, and lock one needle in each needle hole from the second to the fifth needle hole. The circular method completes one lap, locking 12 needles in total. The head is almost finished.
4. Then on the ninth floor, the knitting method is as follows: each hook of each pinhole has 3 long needles to complete a circle, totaling 36 needles. In the eleventh layer, the knitting method is that there are two long needles in each eye and each hook, and a circle is completed, totaling 72 needles.
5. For layer 12, the knitting method is as follows: each pinhole hook has two long needles to complete a circle, with a total of 72 needles. The thirteenth layer, the knitting method is as follows: the first pinhole hook has 2 long needles, and the second pinhole hook 1 long needle completes a cycle, totaling 96 needles. The knitting method of the 14 layer is: under normal circumstances, each pinhole hooks out 1 long needle, and completes a circle, totaling 96 needles. The doll is basically formed.
6. Pull 70 stitches, tie a bow around the doll's neck with the pulled rope, sew on the eyes and mouth, and the lovely sunshine doll will be woven.