Place of birth: Shangyu, Zhejiang.
Meridian: 120.87 (120:53E)
Latitude: 30.03 (30:2N)
Time zone: 8 (time difference 0:3:29)
Sun: Scorpio 16 degrees 16 minutes 1 palace.
Moon: Capricorn is the third house of 29 degrees and 28 minutes.
Mercury: Libra is 27 degrees and 54 minutes, the 12 house.
Venus: Scorpio Palace 12 at 06 degrees 49 minutes.
Mars: Leo 18 degrees 05 minutes house 10.
Jupiter: Scorpio is 23 degrees 16 minutes 1 house.
Saturn: Pisces 05 degrees 34 minutes fourth house
Uranus: Capricorn is the third house of 23 degrees and 02 minutes.
Neptune: Capricorn 2 1 degree 0 1 minute third house.
Pluto: Scorpio 1 at 27 degrees and 20 minutes.
Rising: Scorpio 07 degrees 44 minutes
Zenith: Leo 1 1 degree 15 points.
Sun represents: self, external image, externalism and life energy.
Falling into Scorpio: mysterious, calm and intuitive
Advantages: insight, foresight and perseverance.
Disadvantages: withdrawn and self-pitying, possessive and sometimes indifferent.
The moon represents: woman, mother, inner subconscious, emotion.
Autumn in Capricorn: Simple, Serious, Steady and Practical.
Advantages: serious, simple, strong sense of responsibility and values.
Disadvantages: conservative, indifferent, aloof, dull and inflexible.
Mercury stands for: Thought, mind and language are the roots of consciousness.
Libra: Harmony, Justice and Fairness
Advantages: gentle temperament, sense of justice and consideration.
Disadvantages: fickle, impetuous, thinking too much, judging people by their appearances.
Venus stands for harmony, beauty and love.
Falling into Scorpio: Sexy and Strong Desire
Advantages: clear love and hate, extremely attractive and energetic.
Disadvantages: jealous, possessive and vengeful.
Mars represents: energy, will, explosiveness and vitality.
Leo: Energetic and ambitious.
Advantages: Strong leadership, full of confidence, dignified and noble, extremely responsible.
Disadvantages: impulsive, ostentatious and self-centered.
Jupiter represents morality, philosophy and ideals.
Falling into Scorpio: persistent and mysterious
Advantages: great potential, calm and smart, sexy temperament.
Disadvantages: excessive use of advantages, voyeurism, and heavy revenge.
Saturn represents: the process of tribulation, test, sense of responsibility and self-growth.
Falling into Pisces: Perception and Art
Advantages: delicate emotions, strong imagination and sympathy, versatile.
Disadvantages: neuroticism, negative thinking, paranoia.
Uranus represents: innovation and change, innovative consciousness, scientific and technological breakthrough.
Autumn in Capricorn: Tradition, Conflict and Power
Advantages: Ideal, determination and good organizational skills.
Disadvantages: Ambitious and old-fashioned.
Neptune stands for dreams, introspection and subconsciousness.
Autumn in Capricorn: Self-awakening, Self-consciousness and the Law of Life
Advantages: sense of responsibility and binding.
Disadvantages: conservative and stubborn.
Pluto represents: destruction, reform, passion and strength.
Falling into Scorpio: Rebirth, Transformation and Tenacity
Advantages: prepared, patient, gentle and elegant.
Disadvantages: restless, extreme, jealous.
Rising represents: soul, external behavior, attitude towards life.
Fall into Scorpio: doubt, mystery, determination.
Advantages: persistence and self-control.
Disadvantages: stubborn and suspicious.