What constellations do you have about dinosaurs _ What new knowledge do you have about dinosaurs?

What do you know about dinosaurs?

There are many kinds of dinosaurs. Scientists divide them into two types according to the shape of their skeletal fossils, one is called bird dragon, and the other is called sauropod. According to their tooth fossils, we can also infer whether they are carnivores or herbivores, which is only a rough classification. According to the restoration of dinosaur skeleton fossils, we found that dinosaurs were not only diverse, but also amazing in shape. Some of these dinosaurs flew in the sky, some swam in the water and some crawled on land. Let's introduce these dinosaurs respectively.

1. Chiroptera lived in Cretaceous, and their bones were found in Europe. Pterosaur is not very big, its wings are only about 22 centimeters, but the wings of Fengshen Pterosaur are as long as 12 meters, which is as big as a bus. American scientists once found a pterosaur whose wings were more than 15 meters long. If we can see it today, we may think it is a plane flying in the sky. Many flying birds and dragons are a bit like bats today. They seem to hold up their huge wings with one hand. So having wings and claws has become a major feature of them. Some people think that later birds evolved from them.

2. How did the giant pterosaur fly into the sky? Scientists have different understandings of this. Some people think that those giant pterosaurs can't fly at all. They can't flap their wings like birds, but they can climb high first, spread their huge wings against the wind and glide in the air with the help of updraft. Some people think that the membrane on pterodactyl wings is very hard, and the outer side of wings is connected by bones and muscles like a frame, which can flap wings like a bird. Because their wings are very big, they can get a huge reaction force by flapping gently and let them fly. Who is right and who is wrong in these two views is still inconclusive.

When dinosaurs ruled the land, the ocean was also occupied by some huge reptiles. They are close relatives of land dinosaurs and pterosaurs in the air. They also breathe air with their lungs and usually lay eggs. They are the overlord in the ocean, and some have sharp teeth in order to prey on other fish. These reptiles look more or less like fish today. Some people think that it was changed by fish, while others think that today's fish were changed by them. There are many kinds of these sea trolls, such as eels, turtles, snakes, crocodiles, etc., which used to be similar. Such as eel dragon, such as plesiosaur and so on. The platysaurus is the longest plesiosaur, with a total length of 15 meters. Its neck is about twice as big as its trunk.