42. This is the hair of Queen Bioniz of Egypt. There are eight messier objects.
43. Canis major: A dog that faithfully accompanies Orion and Canis minor. In Greek mythology, his name is Lailapus. Sirius, the brightest star in the whole day. There are more chaotic objects.
44.payon is: 1603 was named by Bayer. In Greek mythology, Hera decorated the peacock's tail feathers with the eyes of Argos, a monster with 100 eyes. He has a beautiful globular cluster and several galaxies. Capricorn κ is a Cepheid variable star with a photoperiod of 9065 days. NGC 6752 is one of the best spherical nebulae in the sky.
45. Gruys: It was named by Bayer in 1603. Alpha crane is a huge blue star with magnitude+1.7, etc.
46. Lupus: It is one of the 48 constellations first determined by Ptolemy.
47. The sextant was named after: 1680 Hevelius.
48. small magellanic cloud is within its scope. Rhododendron β 1 and β2 are six-star systems. NGC 10 is the second largest and brightest globular cluster in the whole day after ω Centauri.
50.Octantis: determined by Llakaj at 1752.
5 1. Lepris: One of the 48 constellations originally determined by Ptolemy, consisting of several celestial bodies deep in space.
Lila: In Greek mythology, it was a harp, which was made of tortoise shells by Hermes and dedicated to Apollo, who later gave it to Oedipus. He has a first-class star-Lyra alpha, magnitude +0.03 and so on. Known as Vega in China, he is the fifth brightest star in the sky. Lyra ε 1 and ε2 are famous quadrangles composed of two pairs of binary stars. Composed of two messier objects, M57 is the earliest discovered nebula.
Crater: One of the 48 constellations first named by Ptolemy. Its image is a huge cup on the back of Ophiuchus.
54. Columbus: named after the astronomer Plantius.
55.vulcumerae: founded by Havelius in 1660. There is a messier objects M27. Corindel 399 is also called brocchi Cluster or Hanger Cluster. M27 is also called Dumbbell Nebula.
56. Ursa minor: One of the most famous constellations in the sky. The naked eye can only see three stars, namely α, β and γ of Ursa minor. Alpha Ursa minor, the north star, is the closest star to the North Pole and will be closest to the North Pole in 2 102.
57. Telescope base: named by Llakaj in 1752. H 5033 is a four-star system.
58.horologii: 1752 was named by Llakaj.
59.Pictoris: It was named by Llakaj at 1752. Captan is a red dwarf with a magnitude of +8.8, second only to Barnard in Ophiuchus.
60. Pisces, Australia: It is one of the first 48 constellations confirmed by Ptolemy. The alpha magnitude of Pisces+1. 16 and so on. The English common name comes from the Arabic word "fish mouth", which is called the Northern Clan in China and one of the four royal stars of Persians. Keira 9352 is a red dwarf star with a magnitude of +7.35, ranking fourth in its own speed.
6 1.Hydri
62.Antlia: named by the French astronomer Llakaj in 1752, it is shaped like an air pump.
63. This is the altar of centaur. It is one of the earliest 48 constellations divided by Ptolemy.
64. Leonis Minoris: It was named by Havelius on 1660.
65.Pyxidis: a part of the ancient southern berth. Compass τ is a metempsychosis nova, which will explode irregularly.
66.Microscopii: determined by Llakaj in 1752.
67. Apodemus: a bird of paradise, named by john bell in 1603, with its main star above +4.
68. There are many very bright open clusters in this sky area.
Delphini: In Greek mythology, dolphins rescued the poet from a group of pirates who plotted to kill him. But somehow, it also has a name, called job's coffin.
Covey: A crow sent by Apollo to spy on her lover Koronis. Contains many galaxies, although most of them are not bright.
7 1. puppy: a puppy who faithfully accompanies Orion and Canis canis. Only one dog, α and β, can be seen by the naked eye in the city. Among them, α is called Nanhesan in China, ranking eighth among all the stars with a magnitude of +0.4, and its companion star is a white dwarf with a magnitude of only+10.7.
Swordfish: 1604 was named by Bayer. Large magellanic cloud is within its scope.
73.Coronae Borealis: In Greek mythology, Bacchus gave Ariadne the crown abandoned by theseus.
74.Normae: Created by Llakaj in 1752.
75. Mensa: It was determined by Llakaj of 1752. Part of large magellanic cloud is among them.
76. Valentis: 1603 was created by Bayer.
77. Musk wine
78.Trianguli: Although it is small, it is an obvious star. There is a more complicated object.
79.Chamaeleontis: named by John Baer in 1604.
80. Antarctic crown
8 1. Cali constellation: One of the most inconspicuous constellations, described by French astronomer Llakaj in 1752.
82. The network constellation is a constellation created by Lakaji.
83. Trianguli, Australia
84.scuti: 1690, Havelius joined this constellation. It has two messier objects, of which M 1 1 is also known as the "wild duck cluster", which is one of the most abundant open clusters in the sky.
85.Circini: It was named by the astronomer Llakaj in 1752.
86. Arrows: In Greek mythology, they were used by Apollo to defeat klopp. Sagittarius WZ is a new star that often appears. There is a more complicated object.
87. The ancient Greeks believed that the horse was given to Polocus by Hera.
88. Cross constellation: The smallest constellation, with a dark nebula called coal pocket, extends 60 light-years in the Milky Way.