Lingshu says that in Yingzhou, a hundred schools of thought contend, and there are Lingshu in Tang poetry and Song poetry. Gu Yan, the book spirit who woke up in 300 Tang Poems, rode the animal refutation of Shan Hai Jing and embarked on the road of finding and awakening other book spirits together with the music and dance songs that struggled to support himself and a group of sisters.
Gu qijue
The Lord of Lingshu Palace (suspected to be the book spirit of 300 Tang poems, but in fact ...) fell into a deep sleep in the war with foreign monty thousands of years ago, and was dug up from the ruins of Shushan by Le Wuyin thousands of years later, hoping to summon and awaken the book spirit companions of that year and re-establish Lingshu Palace to take charge of Yingzhou boundary.
Five tones of music
Musical instrument spirit (at that time, the pipa made by Gu Hao was too stupid to learn magic because the inside of the pipa was empty), and Yuewuyin woke up hundreds of years ago and felt the breath of Gu Hao. She came to the Central Plains from the western regions and adopted a group of musical instrument sisters.
Currently living in Fang Yue, a fairy city in Tianyuan, I was forced by Gu Qijue to become the official of Lingshu Palace (Yingzhou boundary can also give you one thousandth). I am full of learning (I only have the ability to play musical instruments, but I have never learned practice), which can help Gu Qijue find the spirit of books, and also help Gu Qijue's companionship and improve his poetry ability.