Please right-click to create a new text document, and then write the following code content (case-sensitive) into a new text file, and then click Save As in the toolbar to change the save type to all files, and the last suffix txt in the file name to reg. If not, please add ". Reg "is placed directly after the file name (note that there is a decimal point but no double quotation marks, such as saving as" Open ".
If your computer browser can't be used normally, but your mobile phone can still connect to the computer normally, and you can read the files in your mobile phone, you can create a text on your mobile phone, and then directly press and hold the following code content, copy and paste it into the text and save it (remember to rename it! ), and then copy it to the computer and double-click import, which saves the trouble of manual input, otherwise it is better to manually input it on the computer!
Windows registry editor version 5.00
[HKEY _ class _ root \. exe]
@="exefile "
[HKEY _ Class _ Root \ Executable \ Shell \ Open \ Command]
@="\"% 1\" %*"
[-HKEY _ Current _ User \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Current Version \ Explorer \ File Extension \. exe]
[HKEY _ class _ root \. lnk]
@="lnkfile "
[HKEY _ Class _ Root \ lnkfile \ Shellex \ Context Menu Handlers \ {00021401-0000-0000-C000-00000000046}]
[-HKEY _ Current _ User \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Current Version \ Explorer \ File Extension \. lnk]
Content input renderings: