Statement 3: The direction of the emperor's seat always faces south. You should have heard the idiom of southern courtiers! The north is the emperor, high above; The south is a courtier, bowing to its knees.
Besides, we China people live in the northern hemisphere, but the ancients didn't think so. In their minds, China is the center of the world, and that's how China's "China" came from. Whether the sun they see during the day rises or sets in the west, it is always in the south of us. At night, they look at the stars and look up at the Big Dipper, a symbol of the emperor. In this way, "going north and going south" also echoes the living habits of ordinary people.
In a word, the explanation of going to the north and going to the south cannot be summarized by one reason, because it is a habit recognized by emperors, generals and ordinary people, and it is better from the aspects of geography, economy, politics, psychology and history.