Where is the coldest place in the universe? ? There is a place called boomerang nebula in Centauri, which is about 5000 light years away from the earth. The temperature there is only 1 Kelvin (about MINUS 272 degrees Celsius), which is "the coldest celestial body known in the universe" and the coldest place in the universe discovered by human beings. It was discovered by Raf Vendra Sahai, a NASA scientist.
The boomerang nebula (also known as the Bu Morgen Nebula) was actually named after astronomers observed it for the first time and found that its shape was similar to the boomerang used by Australian aborigines. However, with the development of science and technology, people find that it actually looks more like a bow.
Because it is an aging central star, all the clouds and dust winds ejected from the central star at a high speed of nearly 600 thousand kilometers per hour have caused this strange shape. Astronomers have observed that the real temperature of the boomerang nebula is actually lower than the afterglow after the big bang.
Scientists have found that the boomerang nebula is actually formed by gas escaping from the core of a star. These gases flow at the speed of 164 km/s and begin to expand rapidly after entering space. This is an adiabatic expansion, which makes it the coldest place in the universe.
Simply put, the boomerang nebula is actually a refrigerator in the universe, because its temperature is only 1 degree higher than absolute zero, that is, -273. 15 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, all atoms will freeze, so I'm afraid no life can enter such a low temperature place, but it also lets us know that the coldest place in the universe is only -272 degrees Celsius.
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