Less than seven seconds! The most forgetful constellation, Top 3 Aquarius, is often distracted.

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What you admit one second is forgotten the next. This may be a scene you are familiar with. I don't know where to start with my poor memory. I need post-it notes everywhere, which is simply shorter than the goldfish's 7-second memory. The following is the most forgetful constellation Top 3, I believe you are very touched!

Top 3 Libras

Libra's forgetfulness stems from her prickly personality, so she doesn't need any special care, so she began to do things carelessly. Unless there is something very important, she will write it down well, otherwise it is not bad to forget trivial things. This has also led to Libra becoming more and more forgetful, often forgetting where the mobile phone is and where the wallet is, making people around him laugh and cry. However, Libra actually enjoys it, and their optimistic nature has been with them for a long time. Sometimes a bad memory is a good thing.

Top 2 Aquarius

Many people have an established impression that Aquarius has a poor memory, in fact, because he is often distracted. Aquarius not only has poor memory, but also a little trick will distract them and distract them. When they look back, they will be a few beats slower, and they will blurt out a lot of digressions, making people feel that Aquarius is like an "alien creature." In fact, they are too slow to return to the topic just now.

Former 1 Sagittarius

In terms of forgetfulness, no one can compare with Sagittarius. Carelessness is synonymous with them. The shooter will think that the things mentioned in the last second have not been mentioned, which makes people feel that the shooter's concentration is gone, but the advantage of the shooter is that he is willing to confirm again and again, and the note will never leave. Once in doubt, the shooter will frantically ask others like a curious baby until he asks his own understanding, so he can make up for his poor memory.