Which constellation is Pandora in?

Pandora is not a planet, but actually a satellite of a giant gas planet. This giant planet, called Polyphemis, is located in Alpha Centauri, 4.4 light years away from us, and it is the closest star system to us.

Alpha galaxy has three stars, namely Alpha A, Alpha B and Alpha C, and Polyphemis revolves around Alpha A star.

Polyphemis twice the size of Jupiter, and its name comes from the cyclops in Greek mythology, because it also has a big red spot made of storm clouds, just like an eye glaring at its satellite Pandora.

Pandora revolves around Polyphemis, which is about the size of the earth. Because Polyphemis is not only a satellite of Pandora, you can see the wonders of two or even three moons hanging in the sky at the same time on Pandora. Pandora's air is full of ammonia, methane and chlorine. Without other equipment, human beings can't live here. However, such an environment breeds a group of unique creatures.

This is the official answer. For other knowledge, please refer to the Pandora Encyclopedia opened by Fox.