Ascending constellation: your personality mask. The rising constellation is the first constellation that rises at the junction of the eastern horizon and the ecliptic when you were born. The rising constellation is your external manifestation, and you are perceived by the outside world. So the way you express yourself can also be known from the rising constellation. Usually, a person's sun and rising constellation are different, which is why we call the rising constellation our "personality mask". Most of the time, our sun sign is hidden behind the rising sign. 24 hours a day, the twelve constellations rise from the ground level in turn. So we can know that the replacement time of each rising constellation is about two hours. Besides, your sun sign is a sign that rises at sunrise on the day you were born. In other words, only those born at sunrise are the lucky ones with the same sun sign and rising sign, and their external manifestations are consistent with their internal essence.
The rising constellation will affect a person to hold a certain idea and think about how to behave in order to be accepted by others. Because the rising constellation is also the first house of everyone's chart, which means our childhood environment. Therefore, we can know that the rising constellation (that is, self-expectation) was expressed when our parents affirmed and encouraged us when we were young. The rising constellation reveals not only the patterns of our speech and behavior, but also our clothes, hairstyles, appearances and so on, all of which are influenced by it.
Zenith constellation: the zenith, that is, the upper transit. There are two straight lines running through the astrolabe in the chart. The horizontal line runs through the horizon, and the longitude line goes from top to bottom. The eastern and western ends of the horizon (the right and west of Zuo Dong), namely the heads of the first and seventh houses, are called rising points and falling points respectively, and the upper and lower ends of the meridian, namely the heads of the tenth and fourth houses, are called zenith and nadir respectively. Zenith represents the goal you pursue all your life. Zenith constellation hints at the way and style of your summit. The house and constellation where China Shenxing is located can show the level that a person cares about when pursuing status. The planet in the middle heaven gives people a special ability to pursue the top.