How to enter Phantom Tanavia Ecological Park
1. The place where players come to Navia Bay is as shown in the figure with coordinates (-45 1.7,-592.6);
After coming, the player can see a mechanical device. After approaching, the player can see the information and then activate the task.
The data shows that players need to enter three antenna receiving towers and turn off the defense devices before they can enter the Navia Ecological Park.
Players of the three-antenna receiving tower had better activate the folding doors more to avoid constantly running pictures in the game.
Phantom Tanavia Ecological Park Console Assembly
1. First, we went to the sea base of the Bungis hyenas.
2. After boarding the platform of the hyena gang offshore base, you will find a confidential document;
Knowing that there would be a party in another place, we went to that party;
4. Go there to find the guards and return to the base of the hyenas gang in Navia after the conversation;
5. Talk to Moguli here, give him iced strawberry soda and get the console components.