The latest information about which constellation and NPC to choose in DNF dream dimension.

The dimension of dreams has seven days in every Zhou Mu, and it takes one day for every three conversations. Warrior's training ground can be played five times a day, each time adding a lot of charm value, and every time you enter any scene and interact with npc, you will add 1.3 charm value. Capricorn Taurus has Louis' initial goodwill, Pisces Aquarius has Zabella's initial goodwill, Scorpio is Irene's initial goodwill, and the conditions for Sagittarius Catherine's initial goodwill to reach a good end are: the charm level reaches lv8, and the goodwill of a character reaches complete goodwill. The goodwill of other characters is very low, ensuring that they don't even take off their masks. Conditions for removing camouflage: Have a third conversation with this character, in other words, each other character has at most two conversations! Remember!