Taurus: Chapter 3 Down with the Boss
Gemini: Chapter 5 Down with the Boss
Aquarius: Chapter 6 Fake Nabal, you need to persuade him to join and get it.
Cancer: Chapter 6 Down with the Boss
Libra: Chapter 6 Hidden in the Treasure Box
Scorpio: Chapter 7, thief, be careful not to let him get away, and take it after killing.
Leo: chapter 8, the way to get it is the same as Scorpio.
Sagittarius: chapter 8, the sniper of the flame bow holds it, which can be persuaded.
Virgo: Chapter 9, held by the Red Dragon Knight, joins in the village.
Capricorn: the treasure chest in the lower right corner Chapter 9.
Aries: In the tenth chapter, the demon of thunder is held by a Taoist priest, that is, the one who fights Malik one-on-one, and is persuaded by Wendil.
Pisces: Chapter 12, the tomb of the fire dragon, on the far right of the fire dragon (in the original, in the treasure chest under the fire dragon, it is very easy to miss)