1999 What is the constellation on July 23rd?

July 23rd is Leo.

Leo Leo, the lion is the king of all animals, therefore, Leo people are born with the temperament of kings.

English: Leo

Constellation symbolizes exuberance, benefit and wildness.

Guardian planet: the sun

Leo's lover: proud and affectionate.

Patron saint: Helius (PS: the real and only sun god, Apollo is actually the god of light, not the sun god)

Represents body parts: heart, chest, back, upper back, back spine, lateral abdomen.

Constellation attention disorders: heart disease, back pain and spinal problems

Positive characteristics: drama, idealism, glory, ambition, creativity, nobility, generosity, self-confidence, optimism, kindness, patience, majesty, modesty and enthusiasm.

Lucky day: Sunday

Lucky number: 5.9

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