Information on the sea
Name: Hai
Birthday/constellation/blood type 5/ 1 1 Taurus type B.
Age/grade 14 years old and two years (grade 7)
Height/weight 173cm/57kg
Physical fitness can jump 58 times from left to right.
Run back and forth at a gradual speed of 20m 140 times.
Back muscle strength 122kg
Grip strength right 54.5kg
Prone arch 62.8cm
Sit forward 49.6cm.
50 meters ran for 6.74 seconds.
Standing long jump 224cm
The softball was thrown 33 meters away.
Endurance running 1500m 4 minutes and 47 seconds.
Father, mother and brother of family members
Father's occupation or member of family banking association
CV/ Theme Song Xi An Haoping/Chain Reaction
be right-handed
Shoe puma (cytokine 634 0067)
Racket head (model s7)
Type/mobile counterattack/snake ball, whirlpool snake ball, whirlpool snake ball. Reverse version
Be good at subject English
Favorite food (homemade aloe) yogurt, bamboo spring wheat flour, 100% pure juice.
Favorite color blue
I like the type that will eat well (? )
Interested in marathon and collecting headscarves.