In spring, the stars of the triangle are arcturus, arcturus and Monarch.
Along the curve of three stars in the Big Dipper Ursa major, there is a bright star twice as long as the Big Dipper, which is the alpha star of shepherd, which was called arcturus in ancient China. He is the first star in Capricorn, the fourth bright star in the whole sky, the first star in the northern hemisphere and the brightest red giant in the sky.
Along the curve connecting bucket handle, the Big Dipper in Ursa major, and Yangjiao Bighorn, you can see that the horn mouth is downward. Arcturus, the Virgo а star, is the16th bright star in the whole sky, a pair of spectral binaries with massive dark companion stars.
Wudi block yi
Leo's tail is one of the five emperors. He is the second brightest star in Leo. It looks like a binary star composed of blue and orange stars on the earth, but it is actually only a visual binary star, not a real binary star. He is a variable star, which will be mentioned later.
I found the big horn, extended it to the east a little, and found a constellation in the shape of a tie, which is the patriarch. Find Kakuqi, stretch up and down in the sky, and you can see Virgo. I always feel that these constellations are drawn like stick figures. . The handle, big horn and rhinoceros horn of the Big Dipper form a big curve in spring. A little further, you will find a small quadrangle, which is the crow's nest. One of the five emperors is the lion's tail. Find a question mark shape in its west, and the bright star you see is the legendary Xuanyuan XIV. The bright stars between them are connected, which is Leo. Further west, a constellation as dark as a recliner is Cancer. In the middle of this constellation is the ghost cluster, which is my favorite cluster. The Big Dipper is the tail of Ursa major. Needless to say, the big triangle in spring and Chen Longyi in Canis in spring. Canis Canis is surrounded by the shepherd and the handle of the Big Dipper in Ursa Major, which is roughly located where the handle of the Big Dipper extends to the big corner twice. It is also a very dark constellation. Cor caroli is actually brighter and easier to see.
Summer triangle
The stars that make up the summer triangle are Vega, Altair and Tianjin IV.
Low humidity plain
The fifth brightest star in the whole day is next to a small diamond with four stars. Legend has it that this small diamond is a shuttle used by the weaver girl to weave cloth. In fact, they formed Lyra. In summer in the northern hemisphere, it often appears near the zenith. In fact, it is also relatively easy to find, and its love story with Altair deeply shocked us. It is also the right-angled vertex of the summer triangle.
Looking to the southeast of Lyra, there is a slightly deformed T-shape composed of six bright stars. This is Aquila. The T-junction is Altair. He is a shining silver star at the southern end of the summer triangle.
Tianjin IV
Tianjin IV is called "Bird's Tail" and is the 20th brightest star in the whole sky. Blue and white Supergiant star. Cygnus is a curved cross to the east of Lyra.
Actually, I don't think the Summer Triangle is like a right triangle. In this big triangle, there are two small constellations, Sagittarius, a little Y facing east, and a fox. Fox is a dark star constellation, but the dumbbell nebula is very famous. If Vega is symmetrical, you will find a quadrilateral+a little star, which is the dolphin constellation. Similarly, Tianjin Quadruple is symmetrical to the other side of the Weaver Cowherd Line, and a large polygon is found. This is Ophiuchus. Wrapped around its waist is Ophiuchus, the only separate constellation. Next to the bright star at the top of Ophiuchus is the legendary emperor. On the other side of this star, Big H is Hercules. Now put the Altair symmetrically along the Weaver Girl-Tianjin Fourth Line, and you can find the Polaris. Extending outward along the mouth of Cygnus, you will find a bright reddish star, which is Antares. From here, there is a big S-star train and a three-star head, which is Scorpio. The bright star in front of the scorpion's left and right paws forms Libra with other stars. Behind the scorpion, pointing at the scorpion with an arrow is Sagittarius.
There is no big triangle in autumn, but a quadrilateral.
Because there are fewer bright stars in winter, this quadrilateral which is dark in other seasons becomes very easy to find. Pegasus is composed of its two front legs and head. It is a constellation with only the first half. This quadrilateral is the quadrilateral we need-Pegasus quadrilateral. The brightest one is Andromeda's head. If Andromeda is connected with the quadrangle, we will think that there is a child doodling little people in the sky. Andromeda's extragalactic galaxy can be found under the armpit, which is one of the farthest celestial bodies that we can see with the naked eye, and the triangle can be found on the other side. At the foot of Andromeda are Perseus in the west, Cassiopeia and Cepheus in the east, which are respectively a W-shape and a slender and inclined pentagon. The stars on the west side of Pegasus quadrangle are connected together. When you move to the horizon, you will find a bright star, which falls in the north. This is the mouth of Pisces. Pisces is a closed polygon, which is easy to find. The constellation standing on the head of Aquarius is Aquarius. The shape is really hard to describe. Now that the two stars in the east are connected and moving towards the horizon, we can find a bright star, a toast hole, and the tail of Cetacea. The long Pisces has a pentagonal head, which can also help you remember that whales are mammals because there are two legs in the constellation. Back to the quadrangle, I found a constellation next to it, the legendary Pisces. You can also find the Summer Triangle in autumn. Vega extended to the west twice in the direction of Altair, and a crooked water chestnut was Capricorn.
Winter triangle
The stars that make up the winter triangle are Nanhesan, Betelgeuse and Sirius.
It belongs to Canis minor and is the eighth brightest star in the whole sky. In the northern hemisphere, it rose earlier than Sirius. In fact, it is also a binary star. It consists of a main star and a white dwarf.
The meaning of the first star in Orion
Orange stars are called the axils of giants. It is the red Supergiant star of Orion, a beautiful star with the end of life. .
Sirius. Also known as DOG STAR
Canis major, the brightest star in the winter night sky. It is also a visual binary star, consisting of a blue dwarf and a white dwarf. Many people know the starry sky from Sirius.
There is a very, very dark constellation-unicorn hidden in the winter triangle. Invisible to the naked eye, but there is a blooming wild rose in it-the beautiful rose nebula. Orion is a very easy-to-find constellation, and the most attractive thing is its shiny dagger and shiny belt. Sirius is the brightest star in the whole sky and can be found in its east. This is the tip of the dog. A triangle, three claws and a tail make up Canis major. To the south of Sirius is M4 1. The bright star under Orion's armpit is called Betelgeuse, and the bright star to the south is Nanhesan in Canis Canis. A little bright star next to it combined with it to form the puppy constellation. Connect Nanhesan and Betelgeuse. Turn Sirius upside down and you will see Beihe II and Beihe III, which are the heads of Gemini. Connect Beihe Sanhe Betelgeuse, turn Nanhe Sanhe upside down, and find a bright star, Capella. Connecting a Pentagon in the direction of Gemini is Auriga. The star Betelgeuse in the northeast of Capricorn extends as the axis of symmetry. If Sirius is upside down, you can find Betelgeuse. The V-shaped star array is the head of Taurus. It is also a half body, and the Taurus that attacked Orion came out like this. The bright star cluster on the back of the cow is the Pleiades, which is very famous and beautiful. To the northeast of it is Aries, an upside-down crutch.
Beihe III, Capella 22, Abigail V, Betelgeuse, Sirius and Nanhe III make up winter diamonds. In the southern sky, the bright orange star is Canopus, which belongs to Carina. Legend has it that once you see it in your life, you can live forever. .