How to adjust the time and date in the almanac of Manhattan constellation

You can follow these steps:

1, open the Manhattan constellation almanac application or website.

2. Find the Settings or Options button. Usually, they are located in the menu bar above or below the screen.

3. Click the Settings or Options button to open the Settings menu.

4. In the Settings menu, look for the date and time setting options. It may be marked as "date and time", "clock" or something like that.

5. Click the date and time setting option to enter the date and time adjustment page.

6. On the date and time adjustment page, you can choose to manually enter the date and time, or adjust the date and time by selecting the number buttons on the calendar and clock.

7. According to the date and time to be adjusted, select the correct option to adjust. For example, you can select month, day, year, hour, minute, etc.

8. After adjustment, click the Confirm or Save button to save the changes.

9. Go back to the main page, and you will see that the time and date displayed in the almanac of Manhattan constellation have been updated according to your adjustment.