The First Witch-Libra Woman
Libra women are very attractive and can capture men's hearts. They are often popular lovers, but which one they love often wavers. Even she is not very clear about it, and she doesn't want to give up any one. Therefore, when a man loves her completely, he has to endure the emotional torture that she always makes people wonder. Sometimes it will be very cold and polite, sometimes it will be very warm and close, as if it were very emotional. The men around her always have to guess whether she loves herself or not, fearing that she is not competitive enough and languishes for those who died for Iraq, but they can't get the real answer after all.
The second witch-Aquarius girl
Aquarius dares to love and hate. They often love as they please, regardless of whether they violate secular norms, extramarital affairs or brotherhood. As long as they feel it, they don't care. Moreover, they are deeply beautiful, and it is often difficult for men they like to escape from their love, even if it destroys the original peace of life, they are willing. However, Aquarius women are enthusiastic people and come and go in a hurry. Often one day, they feel that they don't love someone anymore, so they leave without mercy, leaving only another sad person in the same place, just like after a year.