Capricorn is a constellation that Aquarius can't handle. Aquarius is too lazy to please anyone, but Aquarius will tell people he trusts, but no matter what he says to Capricorn, Capricorn just nods and applauds. My sister seems to have no intention of quarreling with Aquarius at all, and seems to be obedient to Aquarius at any time. In fact, Capricorn will have some bad ideas about the level.
It's just that she can't talk, and he often hides his thoughts in his heart, which is one of the characteristics that she easily annoys Aquarius. Aquarius hopes that people around him can seriously discuss a problem with themselves and be professional. Don't hide your point of view for the sake of polite humility. But no matter what Aquarius talks about with Capricorn, Capricorn will agree that Aquarius makes people feel that they are not valued and are very weak in this relationship.