What movies did Nicolas Cage appear in?
As an actor, Nicolas Cage Nicolas Cage's film works (quantity: 108) Amarillo Slim -(2008) Timesharing -(2008) Dianshen -(2008). Dance-(2008) Mad Dog-(2008) Cómo conseguir A Paper of Hollywood-(2007) Huo? 0? 9 wo 666 Baita Nosiku Miruhe? 0? 0'h? 0? 0-(2007) Bangkok Danger -(2007) Torture Room /Grindhouse-(2007) National Treasure 2: Cheats: Cheats -(2007) Ghost Rider: Inside Action -(2007) Soul Chariot/Evil Police/Ghost Rider/Ghost Rider -(2007) The key, the next second, the next -(2007) Old Hollywood: Silent Star, The Deadly Secret -(2007) Relative Humility: People -(2006) World Trade Center -(2006) The Making of World Trade Center -(2006) San Sebastian 2006: Carlos Boyero -(2006) Let Ants/Ant Bullies Go -(2006) VH/KLOC- Wicker Man -(2006) Production Forecast of "World Trade Center": Becoming a Weather Forecaster-(2006) Primio Donos Tia matt dillon-(2006) Extended Outlook: Script-(2006) Superman's Curse-(2006) Too Hard to Die: Salute to Johnny Ramone-(2006) Tsunami Aid: Concert of Hope ——(2005) National Treasure ——(2004)10/The biggest celebration —— (2004). John Travolta: Insider-(2004) The 76th Academy Awards Ceremony-(2004) Love, Death, Elvis Presley &; Oz: Making "Wild in Heart" ——(2004) Discovery of National Treasure ——(2004) Skills of Trade: Making "stick figure "—— (2004) Code Speaker: The Secret Code of Honor ——(2003) Biology john Travolta ——(2003) stick figure/stick figure/seed. The true Hollywood story "lisa marie presley-(2003)" Intimate Portrait "vanessa marcil-(2003) Sonny Hollywood pays tribute to Nicolas Cage: A tribute to an American film expansion-(2002) Whisperwind/Wind Hunt/Whisperwind Warrior/Fierce Blood Chaser/Whisperwind-(2002) Hippa Space- —— (2002) The Cult: Music Without Fear —— (2002) 2002 MTV Film Awards ——(2006 54 38+0) The 73rd Academy Awards Ceremony ——(2006 54 38+0) A Christmas Carol: Movies ——(2006 54 38+0) Love Day in Firewire-(2006 54 38+0) 2006 54 38+0 ABC World Special Effects Award-(2006 54 38+0) Italian Soldier-(2006 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Award-(2000) 7 1 The 7th/kloc-of the Oscar Awards Ceremony. Eight millimeters eight millimeters ——( 1999) Shuttle between Yin and Yang/Double Lover/Shuttle through the Gate of Hell/Murder Midnight Evocation ——( 1999) Snake Eye ——(65438+) city of angels ——( 1998 American Film Academy pays tribute to Clint Eastwood —— Kloc-0/996) Kiss of Death-(1995) Away from Las Vegas/Two Desperate Hearts/Leaving Las Vegas/Away from Las Vegas-(1995) Trapped in Paradise-(1994) The Story of the Whole City/new york's Love. 992) Love Wild Roses/Forbidden Love Praise Dali-(1991) My heart is wild at the bottom of my heart-(65442) Tempo di Uccidere-(1990) Industrial Symphony No.65438 +0: The Dream of a Broken Heart- Firebird Attacks Firebird-(1990) jonathan ross only gives it for one week: david lynch-(1990) vampire kiss/devil lover/vampire kiss-(1989) never on Tuesday-(1988). The faint moon strikes-(1987) The boy in blue-(1986) Peggy Sue is getting married/Time goes back/Peggy Sue is getting married-(. Call of Love/Newcomer Race with the Moon-(1984) Cotton Club-(1984) Bird Birdy-(1984). Girl in the Valley-(1983) Rumblefish, a fighting fish/thunder boy-(1983) Daylight Saving Time/Fat Girl Fast Times in Richmond High School/Richmond High School, an American open institution of higher learning-(1983).