The following are the brightest 2 1 star on the earth:
In the following order: brightness ranking, Chinese name, English name, constellation name, magnitude, right ascension, right ascension, declination, spectrum, ground distance and color.
0 1 Sirius (α CMa) big dog-1.460645.1-1643a0, A 1 7.8 white,?
02 Canopus (alpha car) ship base -0.72 06 24.0 -52 42 A9 80 white, extremely difficult to see.
03 Nanmen Betelgeuse Centauri -0.30 14 39.6-60 50 G2, K 1 4.3 yellow, invisible.
04 arcturus (α Boo) Capricorn-0.041415.7191k230 orange,?
05 Vega (α Lyr) Lyra 0.03 18 36.9 38 47 A0 23 White?
Capella Capella (α Aur) Auriga 0.08 05 16.7 46 00 G6, G2 40 yellow,?
07 Betelgeuse Betelgeuse Orion 0.120514.5-0812b8 700 blue and white,
08 South River Three South River Three (α CMi) Canine 0.380739.30514f51yellow and white,?
The color of 0.460137.7-5714b380 in Bojiang block of -Achernar (α Eri) is blue and white, which is unacceptable.
10 Betelgeuse (α Ori) Orion 0.50 change 05 55.2 07 24 M 1 500 red,?
1 1 mafu-hadar (β Cen) Centauri 0.61.1403.8-6022b1.330 blue and white.
12 and guji (cowherd) Altair (α Aql) Eagle 0.7719 50.808 52a716 Bai?
13 cross Acrux (α Cru) southern cross 0.8012 26.6-63 06b1450 blue and white, not allowed.
14 Aldebaran (α Tau) Taurus 0.78 ~ 0.930435.91631K560 orange,?
15 Capricorn-Capricorn II (α Vir) Virgo 0.971325.2-110b1,B2350 blue and white,?
16 Antares (α Sco) Scorpio 1.05 changed to 16 29.4 -26 26 M2 500 red,?
17 Pollux (β Gem) Gemini1.140745.3 2802k035 orange,?
18 Beiluoshimen (α PsA) South Pisces1.16 22 57.6-29 37a322 White?
19 Tianjin four Tianjin four (α cygnus) cygnus1.252041.44517a21800 white?
20 Cross Mimosa (β Cru) Southern Cross 1.28 Gourmet12 47.7-59 41b1500 Invisible.
2 1 Xuanyuan XIV Xuanyuan XIV (α Leo) Leo1.3510 08.4115b70 Bai Qing,?
Of course, there are five planets, and the planets must appear near the ecliptic, and they are all very bright, so it should be easy to distinguish them. In particular, Venus is brighter than all the visible stars in the whole day combined, and Jupiter is generally 2-3 times brighter than Sirius, which is easy to find.