It is also said that Wei Zi is the eldest son of Xiqi Xibo Hou Jichang. Boycott is the eldest son of Ji Chang, king of Zhou Wen, and Zhou Wuwang, brother of Ji Fa. At that time, Ji Chang, king of Zhou Wen, was imprisoned by Shang Zhouwang, and his eldest son, Bo Yikao, was also taken hostage in Shang Dynasty and worked as a groom in Shang Zhouwang. One day, Shang Zhouwang suddenly handcuffed Boyi and gave him to Ji Chang as a meat soup. Jichang knew it was his son's meat, but in order to cheat Shang Zhouwang, he also knew to eat it. After returning to Xiqiao, Ji Chang vowed to avenge his son Boyikao, but he died before he could realize his ambition. Later, Ji Fa, the second son of Ji Chang, inherited his father's footsteps, sent troops to defeat the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and established the Zhou Dynasty with the help of Jiang Ziya. When Jiang Ziya was appointed as a god, because Boyikao was the first victim of the war against Zhou Dynasty, he died for his father, and his filial piety was commendable, and he was named the Zhongtian Arctic Emperor by Jiang Ziya. This is the origin of the Great Emperor Wei Zi in the novel.
Wei Zi and the Jade Emperor are both immortals in Taoist classics, and Wei Zi is one of the four emperors of Taoism, ranking second only to the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor is a great god under the Sanqing Buddha and above the four heavenly kings. The Jade Emperor's folk influence in Han nationality is very great. Emperor Wei Zi is also known as the Arctic Emperor Wei Zi in Zhongtian. It is said that Wei Zi is a great god who controls and manages heaven and earth. He also led the stars in the sky, commanding and ruling the existence of ghosts and gods and lightning. Emperor Wei Zi's high position can test the luck of the school. This fate can be the rise and fall of all countries in the world, the rise and fall of the immortal positions in the three realms, and the life span of all human beings. The divine power of Emperor Wei Zi can be said to be very powerful. If used, it can instantly kill all monsters in the Three Realms. According to one theory, Emperor Wei Zi once incarnated as Fengdu Emperor, leading four saints in the Arctic to control monsters together. Therefore, there is a saying that Emperor Wei Zi ruled the stars and the underworld in Du Feng.
The Jade Emperor, also known as the Supreme Heaven and Golden Que, is the name of the God of Milla for the Real Jade Emperor. He commanded the gods and six sentient beings in Lingxiao Hall. The Jade Emperor had a great influence on the folk beliefs of the Han nationality, and the folk rituals of offering sacrifices to the Jade Emperor almost exceeded the specifications of Sanqing, and were much more grand than ordinary gods. Moreover, the Jade Emperor is a Taoist shrine in China, not an Indra in Buddhism and Indian culture. In ancient mythology, the Jade Emperor was an extremely special existence. He can be said to be the leader of the gods in heaven and the supreme in heaven. On the ninth day of the first lunar month, Taoist temples will also hold a "Jade Emperor Meeting" because this day is God's birthday.
Someone asked if the Emperor Zhenwu of China had anything to do with it. Because the Great Emperor Wei Zi is also known as the Great Emperor in Zhongtian and the Great Emperor Zhenwu is one of the four saints in the Arctic. The Four Saints of the Arctic are the subordinates of the Northern Emperor, and he is the Emperor Wei Zi. Therefore, there is a superior-subordinate relationship between Wei Zi and Zhenwu Emperor. Wei Zi is the god in our Han folk beliefs. He is one of the four emperors of Taoism, and he is the person who helped the Jade Emperor to take charge of heaven. Of course, his position is only below that of the Jade Emperor. Wei Zi, also known as Ziweixing, belongs to the place where the emperor lived in the constellation, so the Forbidden City is called the mortal palace for a reason. Moreover, Ziweixing is a constellation located in the last center of the sky, and it never moves, and its position is also the highest constellation, so it is extremely noble, and it is called "the Lord of the stars, the imperial clan of Vientiane". Wei Zi occupies an important position in folk beliefs, especially in the Song Dynasty, people often worship Wei Zi and the Jade Emperor together.
Zhenwu Emperor, also known as Xuanwu Emperor, is a kind of demon Buddha, whose full name is Zhenwu Demon Emperor. He is also a god in China Han myths and legends. At present, the immortal worshiped in Wudang Mountain, Hubei Province, China is Zhenwu Emperor. In Taoist classics, it is also called Zhenwu Emperor as "Zhenwuling should help the holy emperor". Zhenwu Emperor had a great influence among the people in our country, especially after the Ming Dynasty. According to legend, Zhenwu Emperor is a descendant of Pangu, the great god who created the world. It is said that he was also the father of Emperor Yanhuang, who was reincarnated as the dragon of Fuxi and China. Zhenwu Emperor is one of the four saints in the Arctic. He is a subordinate of Wei Zi Emperor in the Arctic. He was appointed by the Jade Emperor to guard the north.