Astronomers divide the stars in the sky into 88 constellations by region. Among them, there are 29 constellations in the northern sky (bounded by the celestial equator); There are 47 constellations in the southern sky, and there are 12 constellations across the celestial equator.
1 Andromeda 0h40m+38 106
2 pump seat antlia 10h0m-35 85
Sanriyan apus 16h 0m-76 28
4 Aquarius 22h20m-13113
5 Aquila Aquila 19H30m+2 85
6 days in Thailand Ara 17h 10m-55 47
7 Aries 2h 30m+20 66
8 auriga 6H0M+42 144 is in auriga.
Bootes1435m+30114 of Mufu.
10 sculpture block Caelum 4h 50m-38 28
1 1 camel grass 5h40m+70 138
12 cancer 8h 30m+20 9 1
13 rattan 13H0M+40 4 1
14 large tank 6H40m-22 37
15 small dog 7h30m+6 32
16 Capricorn 2 1h0m-20 65
17 keel 8h 40m-62 147
18 Cassiopeia Cassiopeia 1h0m+60 100
Centauri 13H2O-47 193
20 Cepheus 22h0m+70 1 17
2 1 Cetus1h45m-12125
22.Chamaeleon 10h40m-78 23。
23 compass circinus 14h50m-63 29
24-day pigeon pen 5h 40m -34 17
25 coma 12h40m+23 47.
26 Corona Australia 18H30m-4 1 29
Beiguan 15h40m+32 29
28 crow crow 12h 20m- 18 24
29 crater11h20m-15 22
Crux 12h20m-60 38, No.30, South Intersection
3 1 cygnus 20h30m+43 184
32 Dolphin constellation Delphi NUS 20H35m+ 12 26
Swordfish constellation 33 Swordfish 5h0m-60 20
34 Draco 17H0m+60 Draco 153
35 horses flying horse 21h10m+610
36 Chrysanthemum morifolium 350 m-30100 in Bojiang.
37-day furnace base vault 2h45m-33 36
38 Gemini 7h0m+22 106
39 crane Grus 22h 20m-47 43
40 Hercules17h10m+27177
4 1 Clock Reference Holograph 3H2O-52 68
42 Hydra Ophiuchus 10h 30m-20 162
43 hydra 2H40m-72 30
44 Indus Valley 2 1h 20m-58 25
45 scorpion lizard 22H25m+43 49
46 Leo Leo 10h 30m+ 15 96
47 Little Leo 10h20m+33 44
48-day-old rabbit Lepus 5h 25m-20 58
49 Libra Libra15h10m-14 62
50 jackal sores 15h0m-40 83
5 1 tmall Lynx 7h50m+45 87
Lyra 18h 45m+36 52
53 Mountain Block Mensa 5h 40m-77 2 1
54 microscope stand microscope 20h50m-37 29
55 Kirin 7h0m-3 10 1.
56 musk 12H30m-70 4 1
Norma16h0m-50 20,57 square feet
58 Antarctic Octans 2 1h0m-87 45
59 Ophiuchus Ophiuchus17h10m-8100
60 Orion 5h25m+3 136
6 1 proud as a peacock 19H 10m-65 56
Pegasus 22 h 30 m+17119
Perseus 3h 20m+42 138.
64 Phoenix 1h0m-48 40
65 picture frame seat Pictor 5h 30m-52 8
66 Pisces 0h 20m+ 10 75
South Aquarius Nan 'aozhou Fish 22h 10m-32 29
68 Tail fin 7h40m-32 179
69 compass Pyxis 8h 50m-28 66
70 mesh 3h 50m-63 20 with mesh base
7 1 Sagittarius Sagittarius 1940m+ 18 20
Sagittarius Sagittarius190m-25115
73 Scorpio 16H45M-26 100
74 Jade Sculptor 0h 30m-35 30
75 Shield 18h 40m- 10 20 20
76a Serpens 15h 35m+8 8 1
76b Serpens 18h 0m-5。
Sextant holder sextant10h10m-148
78 Taurus 4h 30m+ 18 125
79 telescope base telescope1990m-52 30
80 triangle 15 triangle 2h0m+32
8 1 triangle Australia 15h40m-65 20
82 Rhododendron 23H45m-68 34
Ursa major 1 1h0m+58 Ursa major 15 1.
Ursa minor 15h40m+78 32 in Ursa minor.
85 Vela9H30m-45 147 in Vela
86 virgo virgo 13h 20m-2 124
87 flying fish Volans 7h40m-69 24
88 see Mainiang 20H 10m+25 52