Sagittarius is a very free sign, and doesn't like pressure and being controlled by others. They like to do whatever they want, so they will do whatever they want, regardless of the secular vision, and feel that it doesn't matter what others think of them, as long as they are happy. So is dating. They usually just want to talk and break up when they want to.
Actually, Sagittarius is a very clever constellation. They are also very sensitive and observant of people, and often look into their eyes. So when they are in love, they can always take good care of their other half, because they know the other half's mind and will give them appropriate help at the right time, which makes them particularly dependent on themselves. And when you break up, Sagittarius doesn't mean you are particularly heartless. He'll find an excuse to make you feel better.
In fact, I think such a boy can still, at least breaking up is gentle. After all, when no girl wants to break up, I heard that boy tell himself that I don't like you.