What does undirected complete graph mean?

In the mathematical field of graph theory, a complete graph is a simple undirected graph, in which each pair of different vertices is connected by only one edge.

A fully directed graph is also a directed graph, in which each pair of different vertices is connected by a pair of unique edges (one in each direction). A complete graph with n vertices has n vertices, n(n? 1)/2 sides, in Kn. Yes (k? 1)- regular graph. All complete graphs are their own clique.

Graph theory itself was founded by leonhard euler in 1860? Construction started on the seventh bridge in Nisburg. The drawing of complete graphs with vertices on points of regular polygons has appeared in the13rd century. This kind of painting is sometimes called the mysterious rose.

Undirected complete graph

An undirected complete graph is a complete graph in which n represents the number of vertices in the graph and every edge in the graph is undirected. In an undirected graph, if there are edges between any two vertices, the graph is called undirected complete graph.