Serial number 1994D
SN 1994D is a type Ia supernova located at the outer boundary of NGC 4526. It was discovered in 1994 by Trevor, Filipenco, Van Dyke and Richmond using the 30-inch automatic telescope of Leuschner Observatory.
NGC 465 1
NGC465 1 is a spiral galaxy in the back seat, which can be observed by amateur astronomers through telescopes. The distance from the earth has not been determined, ranging from 35 million light years to 72 million light years.
NGC 465 1 is a member of the Virgo galaxy cluster, which is located at the outer edge of the cluster. This galaxy is also called "umbrella galaxy" because it has an umbrella structure composed of many star streams extending eastward from the disk surface. This is another remnant of a galaxy much smaller than NGC 465 1 torn by tidal force, so it is included in the special galaxy atlas of Helton Apu, numbered Apu 189(Arp 189).
Astronomers use radio telescopes to observe the neutral hydrogen distribution of NGC 465 1. The results show that its peripheral region is related to a gas gathering area and dwarf galaxies that form the above-mentioned star flow.
Unlike most spiral galaxies in the Virgo galaxy cluster, NGC 465 1 contains a considerable amount of neutral hydrogen, even extending beyond the disk of the galaxy in the visible part, which is a typical star-forming region.