Yes man. The special number of room 22. (Aloe) (Tired) Bad first, then good. Guess what constellation number it is?

This question seems to be a riddle, not a traditional Chinese zodiac number problem. According to the riddle, we can try to analyze the meaning of each option.

According to yes man's theory, it can be inferred that the number of answers should be even, not odd.

According to the "special number in 22", it can be inferred that the answer is the number 2 or the number 4, because 2+2=4, and both are even numbers.

According to "Aloe Vera" and "Tires go bad first and then get better", it can be inferred that the answer is "mouse". Because the word "hui" in aloe is homophonic with "hui", which means assembly and meeting. Everyone is familiar with the story of mice meeting. The tire is broken first, then it is better. The homonym of "fetus" is "Tai", and the word "Tai" has extreme and extreme meanings. In the story of the mouse stealing oil, the mouse is always extremely greedy.

So, the answer is the number 2 or 4, and the answer is the mouse.