Writing and transliteration of constellation 12 in French, German and Greek

Followed by Chinese, French, German and Greek.

Aries bé lierovan kappa rho?

Taurus taureaubik τ α? ρο?

Gemini gé meaux blizanci δ? δυμοι

Cancer rakκ α ρ κ? νο?

Leo lion lav λ? ων

Virgo Vierge devica π α ρ θ? νο?

Libra balance vaga ζ λ γ?

Scorpion? korpijaσκοψι?

Sagittarius Sagit Taire Strelac? τη?

Capricorn e jarac α ι γ? κερω?

Aquarius poem auvodolija υ ο χ? ο?

Pisces poissons ribe ι χ θ ε?

My hands are sore. . .