Yuefu translation, with original text.

Non-original: Zhong Xuan knelt down and said, "I am an ignorant person in the East. I grew up in remote mountainous areas and pastoral areas. Lack of knowledge on the unknown road has failed the grace of the wise Lord. I heard that the land is in line with righteousness and the sky is in line with the classics; The sun has masculine character, and the moon has feminine spirituality; In the morning, the rising sun shines on the world, and at night, the moon shines on the earth. The bright moon shone on the king's balcony, and the clear lights filled the royal backyard. The moon phase does not coincide with the sun, which is a warning from heaven to the emperor's lack of virtue; The moon phase coincides with the sun, indicating that the emperor is modest and prudent. The moon shines in the order of twelve months, and the weather will be fine after passing through the stars in turn. Moonlight adds luster to the towering balcony and makes the resplendent palace more charming. Under the bright light, Wu Huangye flourished, the moon god blessed, and the Han national movement revived. "

"If the fog leaves the ground, the residual clouds gather in the horizon; Dongting Lake began to be choppy and the leaves gradually fell. The fragrance of chrysanthemums wafted from the top of the mountain, and the groans of geese came from the beach; The moon rises in Ran Ran, clear and soft; The stars are covered with dense light, and the Tianhe River also hides a clear shadow; The earth is covered with a layer of snow, and the sky is like a round mirror of Ming Che. The continuous palace is as white as frost, and the surrounding steps are as pure as ice. So the king hated the entertainment during the day and liked to hold a banquet and drink at night; Put away the singing and dancing, and stop ringing the bell; Leave the house with bright candlelight and go to the convenient hall with bright moonlight; The attendants hold fragrant wine, and the musicians play the lute. "

"If the autumn night is cold and bleak, the wind blows the bamboo forest like a sad song; Close relatives are not accompanied, and lonely guests come one after another on the journey; At dusk, listen to the crane, and the autumn wind sounds like a flute. So the musician adjusted the timbre of the stringed instrument, chose the music with harmonious style, played a deep and indirect "Room Dew", and popped up a melancholy and sad "Yang A". The rustling trees stopped ringing, and the rippling pond calmed the microwave. I don't know where to put my sad and depressed heart, but I am grateful to Long song for the bright moon. Sing: Beauty is far away, and news is cut off, thousands of miles apart, this bright moon. The breeze sighs. When will it stop? It's a long road.

The lingering sound of the song is not gone, and the waning moon is about to sink into the west. The guests were quietly moved and lost. Then I sang: since the moon sets, the morning dew is dry, and no one will accompany me back at the end of the year. The auspicious day of the zodiac has just returned, even if it is lightly frosted and wet. "