Does the constellation have an impact on work and making friends? Many people, especially those with a copy of Global Science, must have a "no" first reaction! However, there are also some scientific objections: First, in their recent Season of Life, Foster and Kretzmann listed many examples of the differences in life expectancy and the prevalence of specific diseases among people born in different months, indicating that people of different constellations may be born with different physiology or even personality; Secondly, even if the law of horoscope dating is absurd at first, as long as many people believe and act according to this law, such as Aries boys pursuing Leo girls, then this law will be proved and become more credible-this is the famous "Picmarion effect" in sociology, which predicts that they have proved themselves.
Dr. Gao Jian from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China analyzed the performance records of Tencent16,254 employees, among which12,632 employees had birthday information. The analysis shows that there is no statistical correlation between constellation and performance, even if it is divided into business departments, there is no significant correlation. Therefore, when recruiting and human resources management, we don't have to care too much about the employee's constellation.
Dr Huang from the Institute of Computing Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China cooperated to study the relationship between Weibo's dating behavior and constellations. They analyzed 573,795 users. They recorded their birthdays and marked their constellations, which were consistent. They studied all the frequent interaction relationships between these users whose interactions exceed a certain threshold, and each relationship corresponds to a pair of constellations. Chi-square test shows that each constellation has a strong tendency to become friends with people in the same constellation, but shows no special interest in any other constellation!
Wang Wenqiang told Kleinberg the result of his calculation. Kleinberg is curious whether this result is due to the matching of constellations or because people like to make friends with people whose birthdays are close to their own. At his suggestion, Wang Wenqiang drew a connection trend curve between constellations and birthdays. The horizontal axis represents birthdays, and the vertical axis represents the tendency of people born that day to pay attention to users of a certain constellation (such as Cancer). If the connection tendency between two users is increasing with the approach of birthdays, we should observe that the highest point appears on the middle day of Cancer Month (July 7th), because the average distance from this day to all 30 days of Cancer Month is the shortest. If the constellation homology does exist, then an obvious boundary (jump) should be observed, because the users born in the month of Cancer have a higher connection tendency with other Cancer users, while the connection tendency with non-Cancer users is lower. The results of data analysis show that for all constellations, the latter style appears (because the paper has not been officially published, it is not convenient to give the original picture for the time being), so it can be seen that the constellation rather than the birthday is the decisive factor.
It is very likely that in our world, there is no subtle romantic feelings between constellations, and there is no resentment of reincarnation. We like to make friends with people in the same constellation, but this is a manifestation of "congenial smell" or a projection of "self-love" on others. The description of constellation personality is often ambiguous and general, which makes everyone feel reasonable. For example, Aries boys are considered to have the nature of "pursuing freedom". I think this is just my heart. Not Aries. What about you? Do you also pursue freedom?