Do you know what are the three constellations of social software that love voice but not typing?

The discovery of dating software prompted people to make friends with by going up one flight of stairs. From the previous long-distance communication to sending letters, we gradually have mobile phones, which make calls and send messages, and then video and voice are particularly convenient. People who are separated from each other can meet on their mobile phones as long as they want to see each other, especially some impatient people who don't want to type on the computer and especially like to send voice. Then let's talk about three of the twelve constellations. See if any of them have you.

1. Aries Aries prefers to make sounds most of the time, which is more in line with their personality. Because they think that after they express themselves quickly according to the video voice, they can give each other time to figure it out slowly. Otherwise, it takes some time for them to type on the computer, and the other party needs to know more about it. Aries people, who are slow to respond and love to make noises, don't want to type on the computer at all, and they are also disgusted.

2. Scorpio is a happy person. They want to express themselves without expressing clearly over and over again, so they like to chat with others by video and voice. They think it will be easier and more convenient to communicate with others if they can express their ideas clearly once. They are straightforward people, and the length of computer typing may be enough for them to speak a sentence or two well, so they don't like the slow typing of computers!

3. Cancer Cancer people have always been dusty and straightforward. They don't like fooling around. If they want to be patient with computer typing, let me tell you one thing. Let them come with your video and voice quickly. In fact, cancer people like to express their ideas in one sentence. Because they think that they only need to speak clearly, they don't need to type on the computer and tell you one thing. Really emotional.